Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Crew is Turning {ONE} !!!

Our Stud is turning 1.
Crew Cotton Snell was one of the biggest surprises of my life.

I was scared for most of my pregnancy with him:
How am I going to DO this?

He has been here a year and without a doubt- one of the COOLEST babies I have ever known, and the absolute perfect ending to our family's creation.

He was born an old soul.
An understanding of life- a patience and calmness that I haven't even mastered.

He started walking at nine months.
Running at 11 months.
He says 7 words and signs four more.
He dances and laughs at jokes- plays chase and endless rounds of hide mommy's keys.
He hugs and kisses his sisters.
Pets and pulls on Molly.

Hates getting his diaper changed.
Loves being snuggled and smooched.

Still wakes up three times a night
But rarely cries during the day.

Eats more food than Carter.
Is stronger than Quinn.

Our sweet boy, Crew.

As tradition in our family, we ask for those who want to celebrate his first year of life, to give an hour of community service.

With Quinny we collected a little more than 500 pounds of canned food for the Oregon Food Bank.
For Carter, we raised $200 for the Perry Center in Portland.
And now for Crew, we ask for hours of time and love for those who love our Crew.

For those of you who wish to celebrate Crew's first year of life in giving love back, PLEASE send me a picture- I would love for him to see the difference the world saw because he turned ONE.

You bring so much joy and laughter to your sisters, Daddy and me.
Thank you for coming to us.
Thank you for choosing us as your family.
You're the perfect flank to our crazy and the perfect fit for our souls.
You'll be adored and loved for eternity.
Happiest of Birthdays to you always.

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