Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Organization: A LARGE Challenge

My brain may never regain its full function, and for someone whose brain was a scallywhompis mess in the first place- this can be trouble!

Organization and I have never been the best of buds. I'm pretty rad at living a minimizing life; where the clutter is kept in control by just not having a whole lot to control- but with three kids and countless house is starting to look like my brain:
A scallywhompis mess.

I'm going to show some pictures.
These pics may or may not bring shame upon our clan- but that is a risk I am willing to take.
These pictures are of our spare bedroom, downstairs, that I have wanted to turn into my craft room. So far, it sits as our "catch all", aka my skeleton.

Over the next few days I will be chipping away at this hoard.
I will not buy anything new, but use what I have already- just use it more effectively (or maybe just start using it in the first place)!

So- without further hoard:

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